Chaffhaye 50lb Bags: 20 Count (FARM PICK UP ONLY)
Chaffhaye 50lb Bags
Purchase a bulk load, (twenty 50lb bags) of CHAFFHAYE to be picked up AT REVERENCE FARMS ONLY & save $2 per bag.
Chaffhaye is a Non-GMO, premium cultured alfalfa that supports the digestive health of all classes of livestock. Bagged at 50% moisture, it offers maximum digestibility & consistent nutrients year-round.
*excellent source of protien, calcium, vitamins & minerals
*energy for performance
*low starch & sugar content
*probiotics & natural enzymes
1.5 to 2 lbs of Chaffhaye per hundred weight of animal per day.
2.0 to 2.5 lbs of Chaffhaye per hundred weight of animal per day
-Deer and Exotics
Feeding free choice is ideal for most operations. If rationed, 1.5 lbs of Chaffhaye per hundred weight of animal per day.
-Chicken & Poultry
1/2 to 1 cup per bird per day.
When Changing Feed:
Chaffhaye is designed to meet the forage portion of your animals diet. Depending on such factors as age, breed, workload, available pasture, and whether you are feeding Chaffhaye Alfalfa solely or in conjunction with another forage and/or grain, an energy and/or vitamin and mineral supplement may be needed. Consult a Chaffhaye representative or your animal nutritionist for further information.
After observing your animal for a period of time on Chaffhaye, you may want to increase or decrease by up to 10% to obtain the desired overall body condition and appearance. Feed changes should be made gradually over a period of 7 to 14 days.
Changes in the rate of feeding should not exceed 2 pounds per day.
Once opened, Chaffhaye acts like any fresh product. By opening the bag, the forage becomes exposed to oxygen and begins to lose its freshness. As a guide, Chaffhaye will remain fresh for 7 to 10 days, depending on weather conditions. For this reason, an opened bag should be stored in a cool, dry environment, and re-closed to prolong freshness.
Follow these 3 steps to ensure your Chaffhaye stays as fresh as possible.
-Step 1:
Use a knife, box opener, or scissors to cut along the top seam of the bag.
-Step 2:
After removing the serving, roll the top back down and press out all the air. DO NOT TRANSFER PRODUCT INTO ANOTHER CONTAINER- this will reintroduce oxygen and shorten the shelf life.
-Step 3:
Tape the top down or place a heavy object to keep the top rolled down. Set in cool place. If storing for longer than one week, you may remove product to place in individual freezer bags and freeze to keep fresh.
-The Best Method:
The Chaffhaye bag is specifically engineered to extend the forage’s shelf-life. For that reason, we recommend always storing your Chaffhaye inside the original bag. For best results, do not place inside containers as this can heat the product.
What is the shelf life of Chaffhaye in unopened bag?
Unopened in it’s air-tight package, Chaffhaye will remain preserved and fresh for 16 months. The nutritional value of Chaffhaye does not decrease with time. We have tested 5 year old bags of Chaffhaye that are no different nutritionally to a recent bag. Once opened, Chaffhaye acts like any fresh product. By opening the bag, the forage becomes exposed to oxygen and begins to lose its freshness. As a guide, Chaffhaye will remain fresh 7 to 10 days after opening, depending on weather conditions. For this reason, an opened bag should be stored out of the sun with the top rolled down and fastened to prolong freshness. If for some reason Chaffhaye does spoil you and your horse will certainly know. It will have a very bad, rotten smell. We also recommend that you do not transfer your Chaffhaye into a different container or place bag into a container as it can heat up the product.